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What is the PH BOND of nails manicure?

PH bond: This works by removing extra oil from the surface of the nail to make the nail drier, so that the nail gel polish stays in closer contact with the nail surface and is not easy  to come off.

PH bond is mainly used to increase the adhesion of nail gel polish and uv gel, prevent falling off of gel polish and smooth the nail surface.

Before nails manicure, the manicurist will usually lightly brush the edge and nail surface of the nail with a sponge, remove the powder, and apply PH bond on the nail surface. That is, PH bond is generally used to dry and strengthen the nail before applying the base coat.

Using the clean nail liquid(not oil based) before applying nail gel polish has the same effect. However, the most effective is PH bond, which can ensure that there is no extra oil on the nails, so that the nails will not be very dry.
At present, the manufacturer with excellent quality of such products is Yunmei Company(//, which can take samples for comparison and test by itself

What is the PH BOND of nails manicure?-gel nail polish